Monday, December 19, 2011

Lighting up the town

While in Ellensburg we attended the lighting of main street.

It was a bit chilly!

The local ballet performed in the windows.

Sophie and Ceci checked out the Ellensburg Bull.

And then we did!

Walking around,checking everything out from Momma's shoulders.

The Children's museum was open and had treats for the children.

Elle was in love with the horse.

And did not want to move!  Notice the little boy in the backgrounds outfit!  too cute!

Elle in the back of the Sheriffs car... Hope this isn't foreshadowing!

Caution!  Cousin's at play!

The street all a glow!

We all hustled home for some huckleberry pie with ice cream!
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1 comment:

Oergel said...

Great photo's - it was a magical night.