Daddy played peek-a-boo tonight with Elle. This was a sudden game of peek-a-boo brought about by Mommy letting her guard down while getting Elle ready for bed...
I am ready, again, again!
And spent!
Getting a snuggle from Daddy before he heads back to work tomorrow :(
P.S. Sorry Grami, the sheets were not ironed. Mommy was a bit tired tonight. Okay, let's be real Mommy hasn't ironed since the '90s. Also Thank you Gia for the jammies, I love them!
I'm just excited you have sheets on the bed! It's hard to do everything and still have time to play with the baby. Playing with the baby is much more important. PS - I have never ironed the sheets. Pillowcases sometimes, but never the sheets. Thanks for the post!!
Giggles from your baby! What a wonderful way to end a day. And a great way to start my day! Thank you for sharing.
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