Well, today it's Salt Lake City and the
weather is getting worse. I won't bore you with pictures today but it was overcast and mid 40's when I landed and now it is getting windy and starting to snow. I'm so glad I am leaving soon. Thursday's trip should be much better. Headed to Cali and hopefully to some sunshine.
We talked to our agent, Chris yesterday and he said it was ridiculous that they wanted him present to walk through the house. We will test that theory tomorrow if we make it back to the house.
As far as we can tell, here is the rough list of what is left on the house:
Plumb Trim Complete
Heat Trim Complete
Fireplace Trim Complete
Mirrors and Shower Doors Installed
Wire Shelving Installed
Carpet Installed
Deliver and Install Appliances
Finish all
millwork including stair systems (if applicable)
Install Interior Package (Door Knobs, Towel Bars, Door Stops, etc.)
Install Landscaping
Final Inspection Complete
Final Drywall and Paint Touch Up
Final Clean
It seems like a pretty short list for 2 months to go but we haven't heard about any changes yet. We keep going out and expect nothing to have been done but they have been busy busy busy.
Hope everyone is doing well!!